Saturday, January 23, 2010

Choose Life

You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me! Psalm 139:13

Yesterday was the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973). Pro-life advocates all over the country gathered on their local courthouse steps (while over 200,000 gathered in Washington D.C.) to "March for Life". Seth, Benjamin and I were proud to join many others last night here in Lake Charles to rally and pray for an end to abortion. I have always felt very passionately about protecting unborn lives, but this passion takes on a whole new dimension now that I have Benjamin. Last year, when Benjamin was just a few weeks old, his very first outing (besides the doctor check-ups) was the March for Life prayer service. He was soo little, and he slept peacefully in my sling the entire time. I cried the entire time (hormones, I am sure).

Life is so precious. New life is a miracle from God that should be protected and cherished. I cannot imagine a world without Benjamin - he brings our family constant joy. He is our gift from God.
Benjamin really enjoyed himself this year -- he had a balloon, and he sang and bopped to the band that was playing. Thank you to everyone who planned the March for Life this year. It was encouraging to see others who feel as strongly about life as you do; and to hear insight from our community leaders about how we can respect life in our daily family life.

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