Saturday morning we drove to New Orleans to spend Sunday and Monday with Emily, Jason, Virginia, Owen and mom (and all their friends) celebrating Mardi Gras. On Saturday night mom treated the four of us to a Valentine's dinner (and stayed home with the kids) at Crepe Nanou ( - delicious! Sunday morning the parades started rolling down Magazine at 10:15 am...all we had to do was step outside and we were there (and get three kids and ourselves under the age of three fed, diapered, dressed, and happy)!!! Lots of Emily and Jason's friends came with their kids; we had a full house with tons of great food to eat! Benjamin sat on the ladder with Virginia and Abby and acted like he was a pro...waving and clapping as the floats and bands rolled by --> it was so much fun to watch him enjoy himself like that!!! We caught tons of stuffed animals, big beads, moonpies, and spears (the coveted catch!) -- the kids are cute and they are like magnets for the good throws!! After a long (but super fun) day of parades Sunday, we finally put the kids to sleep and watched a bit of the Olympics. On Monday morning we met Adele and her family (all 11 of them) at the Bug Museum ( It was very interesting, and although it is geared towards older kids, Benjamin still had a blast! There were all sorts of bugs (of course!), but also fish and alligators; even an interactive movie about bugs! After a nice lunch at Lebanon's Cafe and a major leak in my power steering fluid (yikes!), we headed for home. We made good time, considering we stopped every 30 miles or so to refill the fluid...there's nothing like home, sweet home!
Andrew's Story...
7 years ago
I posted on a comment to this on your previous post on accident. Brilliant, I know. :)