Benjamin is a tough cookie...he is VERY curious (he investigates everything, no matter how scary) and seemingly fearless. When his little friends are scared (or even show a healthy bit of caution), Ben plows forward. Where does he gets this from? Anyway, he is twisting, turning, nosediving off the couch any chance he can get (we always catch him, of course) and grabbing everything in sight. Today he played with the vacuum cleaner - he loved the noise, loved the spinning, loves the color, (bright yellow) and laid on the rug right next to it while we vacuumed. Afterwards, we let him stand up and touch it - he was thrilled! Finally, when our dinner guests were arriving, we put it away...immediately he started fussing (his new thing...fuss, fuss, fuss). Here is a clip of him playing with the sprayer in the pool - he doesn't care how much it splashes him, gets water in his eyes, nose and down his throat.....he is going to investigate!