Thursday, November 12, 2009

29 and Holding....

Ben crawling through the tunnel at the park
Gianna and Ben playing in the tunnel

Yesterday I turned 29....I never really thought about age until I started to creep towards 30. I decided that the next few years, I will turn "29" again and try to hold off on thirty as long as possible. Don't tell anyone, ok?!

Anyway, I had a fabulous birthday day - I awoke to my sweet baby boy clapping his hands and hitting me on the arm trying to wake me 5:30 AM!!! Seth was great -- he took Benjamin, and they brought me breakfast, coffee, flowers and a very cool card in bed (I got to sleep until 8 AM!!!). I spent the morning playing with Benjamin, then met Seth for lunch...After that, we had a play date at the park with Gianna and John Paul - so fun!! Benjamin loved the bark/mulch and watching the "bigger" kids slide and run won't be long until he will be doing those same things! I worked for a few hours in the afternoon (they had a birthday party for me at work complete with cake, brownies and presents - FUN!!), then had dinner with friends last night. I also had tons of calls and emails and facebook messages of Happy Birthday! What a great, fun-filled day to turn 29!! Thanks everyone for making my day so special!!


  1. You little turkey! Now we know. Happy Happy Birthday, sweet friend.

  2. Thanks!!! Even though I sound light-hearted, 29 was a tough one for me...I am not really sure why I think it is such a big deal, but I didn't broadcast it like I usually do.
