Sunday, December 19, 2010

Twas the week before Christmas...

This past week was a great one!! Benjamin had his Christmas party at his "school", which was sooo cute, and we enjoyed a nice visit from Benjamin's Aunt Malinda and Grandma Gin. We are also looking forward to closing on our house in New Orleans this coming week (we are praying it will be before Christmas)...just in time to get a bit of work done on it before Mary Elizabeth arrives. I am excited about girl's night tomorrow and making gingerbread houses with Ben and his friends this upcoming week...AND...we will get to see Seth for Ben's birthday on the 23rd!!
Enjoying an ice cream cone at McDonald's this morning after church (don't judge...we had apples and milk instead of fries and juice)
Teasing poor Gracie with a big bone...Grace is such a sport. Every morning Ben gets two little milk bones to give to Gracie, and he makes her work for her treats!! Usually he wants her to "chase" him...which Gracie does with a bored look on her face.
Finally, Grace gets her bone!!
unwrapping a book at school Christmas party
enjoying a mini cupcakes with Ben's friends at school
having a snuggle with Grandma Gin
reading with Aunt Malinda

Benjamin and I are enjoying our time together before our new baby girl is born...I am just now realizing that our lives will not be the same once Mary Elizabeth arrives. I am trying to soak up all the love, hugs, kisses and snuggles I can with my sweet, snaggle-tooth boy!!


  1. I just love his curls! What a sweetheart!

  2. It will never be the same. But you will never want to go back after you meet her! Can't wait to meet Mary Elizabeth!

  3. These pictures are GREAT! Espcially the first one with his Santa beard of ice cream. SO cute....and no judgement here. It's dairy, right? Enjoy this graced time before the next special chapter begins.
