My Aunt Duby came this week to help me with Ben and Mary Elizabeth...when she arrived, she had an ice chest FULL of frozen meals for me, Seth and the kids (hooray!). We had a great week - I got to have special time with Ben one morning, and Benjamin and I met Em and the kids at The Monkey Room another morning. Thanks Aunt Duby for all your help - we really enjoyed this week!
One afternoon, Benjamin was "racing" his shopping cart around the house and slipped. He hit his head on the floor (hard), and he now has a black eye (our very first serious injury ever!).

Pic of Ben with his black eye, enjoying a cupcake from Nola Beans (a great little coffeehouse in Lakeview)

Aunt Duby and Mary Elizabeth

Mary Elizabeth

Bath time!!

Next week we have Mary Elizabeth's one month visit with our doctor. I will post her stats after the check-up.