Thursday, September 16, 2010

God Bless You

Benjamin and I have had a very nice week. I have lots of pics to upload and post of last week and a few of this week, but I will do that in a later post. I just wanted to remember what Ben said to me tonight. As I was rocking him and reading books right before bedtime, I sneezed. He looked at me and said in the sweetest voice ever, "God bless you, Mommy." I love that sweet baby boy!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Benjamin got to sit in a fire truck for his very first haircut!!
He had such a nice time playing with the trains, and sitting in the fire truck during his haircut
Playing in the water at the beach
Playing helicopter with Daddy at the beach
Cookies!! Today is the first LSU game day of the season, and I am soooo excited!! Benjamin has worn his LSU colors for the past three days now, getting ready for tonight. We had a great time making LSU cookies yesterday morning; Benjamin and Ella helped roll out the dough, cute the shapes, and decorate...This morning we went to get donuts and played at the beach. Then, Benjamin got his very first haircut at Pigtails and Crewcuts!! Now it is nap time, then off to Pappy's to watch the LSU Game!! GEAUX TIGERS!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Daddy's home!!

Now that Seth is home for 8 whole days, Benjamin has been getting as much "Daddy time" as he possibly can! These two boys are sooo great together -- Benjamin adores his Daddy, and has had a hard time letting him go (into another room, out of his sight, etc...). We have been busy, busy doing fun things as a family.... Daddy and Ben reading a book
Isn't that the sweetest smile ever?...right before he proceeded to throw balls EVERYWHERE!
Yesterday we had a major accomplishment, although I think it was a bit of a fluke. Benjamin pp'ed on the potty for THE FIRST TIME!!! We proceeded to have a party, complete with M&M's and big boy train underwear....a few minutes later, Ben pp'ed in his big boy underwear while sitting on his Daddy's lap!! Since I have not "officially" started potty training yet (although Ben seems to be ready), I will count yesterday as a good start. I know I need to start soon, I am just overwhelmed by the whole process --> especially with a BOY.
This morning we took Ben to the Creole Nature Trail (not realizing that it closed a LONG time ago)...we still had a nice time walking on the bridge - we spotted an alligator and lots of fish! Gracie even got to come...and she and Ben were quite a pair!
Mommy, Ben and Gracie taking a water break
A boy and his dog...
Ben looking at the alligator below in the water...Wow!!