I took this video early this morning of Benjamin...he was so funny right before, so I grabbed the recorder and tried to capture it. Although he wasn't "marching" (something we learned being captive the last few days), he was very silly for the camera. He is now 14 months old (as of Tuesday), and he surprises me each day with the things he understands, or remembers. It is amazing to watch him develop, grow and learn right before my eyes. He LOVES stickers, Gracie our puppy dog and chicken nuggets (probably in that order)...He is saying Gracie, ball, balloon, mama (very rarely), daddy (all the time), no, bye-bye, jack, all done, truck, vroom, that, cracker, chicken (i think?), lolly (as in pop), sssss (for snake sound), and choo choo (train noise, although it doesn't sound like choo choo).
Andrew's Story...
7 years ago