We went to Houston on Thursday afternoon in search of a SUV for me (Audi is too small now that we have Benjamin). I have been researching SUV's for some time now, so I had a list of about 7 cars that I wanted to look at while we were there. Robert and Crystal were kind enough to spend the day car hunting with us on Friday. Eleven hours and 6 cars later (and some good BBQ), we finally got it! We bought a Volvo XC 90!!! We were not expecting such a long day, but we had a very good time (The Reiser's were good company!).
We made it home in time to go to Max Adam's 3rd birthday party, and Benjamin went swimming for the second time in his life...he LOVED it this time!! He was kicking his legs and splashing his arms and laughing...
Today we went to Big Lake with Robert, Crystal and Becky and went fishing and crabbing...it was very chilly, windy, etc....not the best weather for crabbing. We had a great time - the dogs played with each other (Gracie and the Reiser's 4 dogs - Fudge, Casey, Lily and Belle). Then it was back home for bath and bedtime for Benjamin. I hope he sleeps well.
Still no word from Emily on the new Baby Turner...patience is a virtue (?).

Mommy, Gracie and Ben in Big Lake

Baby Benjamin wearing shoes for the very first time!

Our new family SUV